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AFRICA BLOCKCHAIN SUMMIT 2019: “Blockchain at the service of the financial sector”

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Bank Al-Maghrib and Paris EUROPLACE organize, on Thursday, November 21, 2019, in Rabat, the second edition of the Africa Blockchain Summit (ABS 2019) under the theme: “Blockchain at the service of the financial sector”

This event will bring together central banksmonetary and financial international organizations, as well as – African and international– financial market players involved of the development of this technology, banks, investing, investing in Morocco, insurance, investors, investments, Fintechs, academics…

The ABS 2019 will discuss the latest developments of the blockchain, to issue proposals to support the development and the spread of this new technology in the financial services, through Three coordinated and complementary sequences:

  • The first, institutional, the Central Banks’ Conference, which will bring together Governors of Central Banks and senior African and international financial institutions’ executives in panel discussions moderated by renowned speakers.
  • The second will be dedicated to workshops on practical uses of the Blockchain by the financial sector.
  • Finally, the third event will focus on research and innovation, through a Blockchain challenge, in connection with operational concerns and the development of Proof of Concept (PoC) of blockchain solutions.
Roundtable 1: 

How Blockchain Technology is Disrupting the Financial Industry ?

  • The Blockchain poses a fundamental challenge for the financial industry. It lies at the heart of all debates, all the more as the transformational potential of this technology impacts the entire value chain of the financial industry. This roundtable, which brings together different players from the world of finance, seeks to identify the disruptive aspects of this technology. It will also be a good opportunity to address the business models of new entrants (Fintech) which provide innovative Blockchain products and to see to what extent these players can contribute in developing the financial industry.
  • MODERATOR : Sonja DAVIDOVIC, Economist & Digital Advisor, International Monetary Fund
  • Pascal AGBOYIBOR, Partner, ASAFO And Co
  • Nadia FILALI, Blockchain Programs Manager and LaBChain Pilot, Groupe Caisse des Dépôts, Member of the board, Moroccan Digital Development Agency
  • Sébastien SEAILLES, Director -Head of ESES Market Advocacy, Euroclear
  • Ken TIMSIT, Managing Director, ConsenSys
Roundtable 2: 

Blockchain: What are the New Challenges for Regulators ?

  • With the emergence of new risks relating to financial markets’ functioning and organization, the Blockchain technology brings new challenges for monetary and financial regulators. This roundtable particularly aims to identify how regulatory bodies perceive this technology, through the initiatives launched in this regard by different central banks and market authorities. It will also discuss, from a general perspective, some governance and regulation models relating to the disruptive Blockchain-based initiatives.
  • MODERATOR : Patricia MIRANDA, Senior Counsel, World Bank
  • Thierry BEDOIN, Chief Digital Officer, Banque de France
  • Hassan BOUBRIK, Chairman Supervisory Authority of Insurance and Social Welfare
  • Jean-Jacques SANTINI, Global Head of Group Public and Regulatory Affairs, BNP Paribas France
  • Hiba ZAHOUI, Head of Banking Supervision Department, Bank Al-Maghrib
Roundtable 3:

 Blockchain : New Solutions & Use Cases

  • In order to better understand the Blockchain’s day-to-day impact on the financial industry, this roundtable will discuss, in more detail, the concrete use cases of Blockchain-based solutions in the banking and financial sector.
  • MODERATOR : Mehdi ALAOUI, Vice-President, Moroccan Federation of Information Technologies, Telecommunications and Offshoring (APEBI)
  • Moussa DAVOU, Director of Market Operations and Information Technology Division, Regional Stock Exchange – West Africa
  • Zakaria EL MOUJAHID, Head of Economy Digital Transformation Department at the Digital Development Agency
  • Franck GUIADER, Head of Innovation & FinTech, Gide 255
  • Piet KLEFFMANN, Projects Manager, KFW
Roundtable 4: 

Blockchain & Crypto Assets : Which transformation for Financial Services?

  • The session aims to discuss and present use cases of crypto assets-based solutions in the financial field. Topics of interest include:
    – The tokenization of assets and its potential impact on improving liquidity of certain markets;
    – The development of ICOs as new financing solutions for companies.
  • MODERATOR : Imen AYARI, Head of Innovation Factory, Talan
  • Hicham BENBELLA, Technical Leader, IBM
  • Amandine DOAT, Legal Director & Head of Public Policy, Ledger
  • Amine RAHMOUNI, Senior Consultant for the EMEA region, Microsoft
  • Mouad TANOUTI, Director of Regulation and Legal Affairs, AMMC


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