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Top 7 reasons for INVESTING in Morocco:

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Investing in Morocco: The most profitable businesses in Morocco!

Despite the global economic issues that are affecting the majority of regional economies, Morocco is becoming one of the best-emerging markets for investment. Over the last decade, Morocco has witnessed an accelerated process of political, economic, and social reforms, its steady economic growth, stability of Moroccan currency (MAD), Morocco real Estate Market, and strategic geographic position make it an investment opportunity well worth considering. Thanks to these criteria, investing in Morocco has become a must for those who are looking for a safe and stable investing environment. 

according to; Morocco’s 2018 Doing Business report, Morocco is ranked the 69th out of 190 countries, published by the World Bank. 

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Briefly, Top 7 Reasons that optimize investing in Morocco are:

  1. Cost Competitiveness
  2. Strong and Stable Macroeconomic Performances
  3. Free Trade Access to One Billion Consumers
  4. World Class Infrastructure
  5. Qualified Labor Force
  6. Sectorial Plans
  7. Constantly improving business Climate

For Further details犀利士 em>: Morocco in Numbers!

In addition to this, there are some extra strong points that support your choice and create trust, to invest in Morocco without suspicions, such as :

– A legal framework and assistance measures very favorable to investors
– Relatively low salaries
– A strategic position, not far from Europe
– A young and relatively well-trained population, 42% between 25 and 54 years. 
– Strong growth…etc.

What are the Government measures to motivate or restrict foreign investments in Morocco?

The new investment charter which was introduced in July 2016 as part of Law 60-16, and replacing a previous charter implemented in 1995, create free-trade zones in each of the 12 regions of the country, recognizes indirect exporter status, and creates incentives for export-oriented and industrial companies.
It also restructures investment promotion activities under the centralized Moroccan Agency for Investment Development and Export, including:

  • A General Directorate for Trade, a General Directorate for Industry, and an agency dedicated to developing the digital economy and e-government were also created under the new charter. They collaborate to make; investing in Morocco, as easy as possible.

FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) in Figures

After a decline during the global recession, FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) flows to Morocco increased in 2014 and 2015, exceeding USD 3 billion. In 2016, however, flows fell by 29% to USD 2.32 billion. The country’s stability should attract more investors, to invest in Morocco.

In addition, a vast project of economic modernization has been launched to boost FDI, mainly in Real Estate in Morocco, the ICT sector in Morocco, Tourism in Morocco, Wind Energy and Solar Energy, Industry in Morocco, Logistics in Morocco. Casablanca in particular aims to become an international financial center.
Traditionally, France, Saudi Arabia, and Spain have been the three main investors. FDI is mainly concentrated in the Real Estate sector, followed by Industry and Tourism.

For Further informationDepartment of Investments in Morocco.

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